Milk Downsized

As Garren would say "they took him off the smack." Okay, that's not exactly what happened.
His doctor's appointment went well, and was surprisingly over in about 20 minutes. Since it was his first check up there wasn't any shots or anything invasive, they just wanted to check him out and see how he was growing. And, he is growing! He weighed in at 8 pounds, 4 ounces. So he has gained back what he lost at the hospital and is an ounce over his birth weight.
The doctor said he looked good and healthy. He asked if there were any problems, and I told him "no," but mentioned his chronic hic-ups and what appears to be painful gas. When I told him he was getting 2 ounces of milk every 2 hours, he told me that was the cause.
The average for babies is 2 ounces every 3 hours until they are a month old. Thomas has been a very healthy eater since day 2, and sometimes he would take 3 ounces and even an ounce between feedings.
The doctor was very nice, and didn't judge me at all, but simply said that his stomach couldn't handle that much milk and if we held him off to 2 ounces and 3 hour feedings it would really help. So, we are going to give it a try. Thomas isn't thrilled though!
I feed him 2 ounces at noon, and apparently that wasn't enough. He cried from 12:45 until he finally cried himself to sleep around 1:30. It was clear he wanted more milk, and I hated to listen to him cry. Nothing soothed him, not his binky, not holding, nothing. I feel bad for him, but I don't want him to be unhealthy, and the hic-ups and gas are clearly very very uncomfortable for him.
The doctor says that after 2 or 3 feedings on the new schedule he should be fine and adjust well. I think he will too, but if he is still crying for food after today or tomorrow, we will adjust acordingly.
So, things went well at the doctor's office, and Candice will be relieved that there were NO kids in there. We were all alone so we seriously limited the exposure to germs!
Mylecon...I think that is the name of the baby gas medicine. My Dr recommended and my friend uses it with her baby and it is instant gas relief. Sold over the counter.