First Lost Tooth

My baby has lost her first baby tooth!

This development took me by surprise this afternoon as she was talking to me and I noticed a hole. I must have looked surprised because she started to look nervous. I asked her to come closer and she took off and hid in the playroom crying. I tried to coax her out and I kept asking her what was wrong. I knew that she had figured out I saw the missing tooth.

This has happened before. She gets so embarrassed or nervous or something.

She was crying and I had to physically pick her up. I told her it was okay and it was an exciting thing to lose her first tooth. She wouldn't open her mouth and kept crying and I was comforting her and beaming at the same time.

When she calmed down she revealed that she had lost it during nap time, and that she had already put it under her pillow, and she begged me not to tell Garren.

I was able to talk her into a picture while Daddy was putting Thomas in the car. But, her mouth remained shut (which as you know is a miracle!).

Eventually her father was able to catch a glimpse of the missing tooth ( a little birdie must have whispered in his ear) and it didn't take long before her fear turned in to absolute pride.

She talked on and on about her tooth and the tooth fairy and how she couldn't wait to see the quarter she was going to get (my baby aims low!). She was still talking when we got to Winchester, and still talking when she went to bed.

Mommy didn't have enough time to make her a special Tooth Fairy pillow, but I was able to home-make a special little envelope for her very first baby tooth. I will pull my sewing stuff out tomorrow though, because the one next to it, is loose as well!!

Gracie got ice cream as a special treat and we read loose tooth stories including Arthur Tricks The Tooth Fairy, and Clifford's Loose Tooth. I found 2 more stories about teeth, but it had been a long night and we will save them for tomorrow.

You will have to come back and see what Gracie got from the tooth fairy.

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6 Responses to "First Lost Tooth"

  1. What a great story! I would love for you to post this story on my blog. I just started it and its all about the tooth fairy. My hope is to have moms and kids all over sharing their tooth fairy stories! check it out.

  2. Grandma9:23 AM

    Congratulations Gracie! Another big step to becoming a "big girl". Grandpa and I are so happy for you. Please tell us the story about what happened next: when you put your tooth under your pillow and went to sleep, woke up, etc. We can hardly wait to see you. We love you very much!

  3. Congrats Gracie!!!! Can't wait to hear about the Tooth Fairy! :)

  4. Kelly R.1:43 PM

    Too cute :) Congratulations to Gracie! They do grow up too fast though, don't they?!

  5. Crystal R.1:43 PM

    Congratulations Gracie, I will be sure to let Regan know.

    Hope you are having a nice summer.

  6. Jane W.1:44 PM

    good for you, gracie!!!


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