Reading Trail

It seems like it has taken forever for Gracie to learn to read. Then again, it seemed like forever for her to use the potty too. And, as I learned with potty training--kids will catch on to things on their time--and not mommy's.

I have been working with Gracie since she was 3 years old on "school work" as we call it. We practice letters and numbers and shapes and then we moved on to letter sounds, and addition and rhyming. Gracie and I have both enjoyed our school time, and I love to watch her learn. I know she will be more than ready for Kindergarten, but I would love for her to know how to read--at least a little-before she gets there.

Garren and I were both reading at ages 4 and 5 (I was 4!), and that mommy competitive streak kicks in every once in a while and I feel the need to push my 5 year old to know more, faster.

This clearly is a bad idea, and will likely land her in even more therapy. So, I have plodded along with her while she refused to even try to read or sound out words. But, still loving story time and her nightly book(s) with mommy and daddy. Thankfully my nudging didn't quash her love of books!

But now, she seems to not only be catching on but really enjoying it. She has been able to do letter sounds for some time now, but bashfulness or just plain laziness kept her from putting those sounds together to form words. Eventually she would read the words I would write, but then she would be over it and we would start all over again. Now, she is reading words from her books and sounding things out and I could jump for joy!

Today we did more schoolwork, and on the last page Thomas started shrieking. I left her the page and gave her the directions to cut out the words and paste them next to the right picture. When I came back down this is what she had done, all by herself.

I am super proud, and hoping that she will be reading more and more in the next few weeks. She'll have a head start for Kindergarten, and will hopefully develop the love of reading that her father and I have.

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4 Responses to "Reading Trail"

  1. Way to go Gracie! Daddy loves you!

  2. Grandma7:07 AM

    Great job Gracie!! Keep up the good work. Maybe you can read to me when you come to my house. Grandpa and I love you very much and can hardly wait to see you. We hope to see you soon. Here are some hugs and kisses until we see you: oxoxoxox

  3. Candice4:42 PM

    You don't want her to be bored crapless in kindergarten because she already knows everything they are doing. You don't want her to be the kid in the back of the room turning cartwheels while the teacher is trying to teach. This me.

  4. Tonia4:42 PM

    I am impressed. I tried working with Mikaela and got told I did not know what I was talking about. From then on I decided it was better if she learned at school. There are some things she will work on with me but it can't be a pressure situation.


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