Thomas Meets Elliott

Things have a very neat way of working out...and thanks to the snow, it worked out that Gracie, Thomas and I all got to meet Baby Elliott while we were in Lynchburg.

As luck would have it, three out of the five us very close high school friends (who still very much stay in touch) had babies this year! Thomas was born in February, Elliott in June, and Nina in August.

We missed out on seeing Nina and mommy Heather, but we were thrilled to get to spend plenty of fun time with little E.

Thomas was embarrassingly enough a little rough with the baby. He being a baby himself, I am not sure if he thought Elliott was a toy or not. Thomas would swipe at his face and take the toys he was slobbering on.

Of course the boys exchanged several drool covered items, but I was less than thrilled with my boy's manners!

We got several good pictures, and few videos, and it was a very nice visit. Becky's husband Mike even entertained Gracie. The two of them got very energetic over a preschool game of charades.

I am thrilled to have gotten to meet Elliott, and of course see Becky and Mike. While we are all very much still friends, we see each other very rarely, and it is wonderful when we can get together and share. Of course now we have a new thing to share: motherhood!

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1 Response to "Thomas Meets Elliott"

  1. Candice8:09 PM

    The Little E thing cracks me up because Elliott's mom sometimes refers to him as "Big E."


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