Breaking Binki

Well, we are trying anyway.

Today was "Day 1" of no-binki unless we are sleeping.

It actually went well, and it wasn't planned. I found and gathered several binks last night and chucked them in the dishwasher before bed--so they were out of sight, and he left his morning bink on my bed.

So, once I realized he had made it all morning, I decided to try for all afternoon.

I hid his nap time bink while changing his diaper, and he didn't even notice the rest of the day.

Here's hoping we can keep it up!

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3 Responses to "Breaking Binki"

  1. mamaw and papaw4:02 PM

    Congratulations, Thomas! I know you can do it; you're such a big boy! Mamaw and Papaw love you very much.

  2. Candice6:44 PM

    Thomas, you could just let Chewey enjoy a bink since you are so big now!

  3. Aunt Ruth10:11 PM

    How are things going with the binky? Still working out OK?


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