Awards Binder

Now, there are tons of ideas out there on how to save your child's school things. One on Pinterest I love where they use a crate and hanging folders--one for each year of the child's schooling.

Anyway, I hate that all of those awards are stored in the attic, and are amongst papers and drawings and I don't like that the report cards are kind of dumped in with a year full of things. So, I salvaged one of the binders headed to Goodwill, and I went through all the Pringles Boxes (laugh now-- it is a great system!) and pulled out just the awards and report cards from Kindergarten through third grade.
Walmart has page protectors around $3 for 50, and I got to work.

Of course, it will also come in handy on those days when Gracie needs a boost. It will be a reminder that she can do it. She does it well. And hard work will pay off.
I don't believe in rewarding grades or accomplishments--but I think they are important. They are important to remember and celebrate. And, they belong in a place of honor and not among the papers that come home warning that lice is going around the school.
Her report cards fit neatly in the back and/or front pockets, and since the front was kind of plain (and beat up), I stuck in a few of those small awards/certificates to jazz it up a bit. You can get two mini awards on each side.
Thomas only has two awards to date (preschool 3 year old completion & his first dental appointment), but I decided I should start now so I don't have to go back and dig his out too! So, I reused a smaller binder of hers to start his collection. I am sure someday his will be just as full of success as his big sisters. And, I will remember to never let them count and compare.
Great idea!