Bible School With Bryce, Day 1

Grace told me several weeks back about the Bible School at their church, and I knew that Thomas would love going as much as he was loving going to Wednesday night church--so I signed him up.

I was smart though, and didn't tell him until this morning that he would get to go to Bryce's church all week.  He is so excited. Of course, he first wanted to know if he would get to ride the church bus.  So, he's a little disappointed, but still thrilled to see his friend all week.

I am so glad that Thomas is having such a great time with the Whitlocks.  Bryce's grandma does the Wednesday night class and his Bible School class, and clearly she is a natural with preschoolers.
I have to remind myself, that while we have likely really over stayed our welcome, extra church can't hurt anybody, and time with his friend and a place to meet new friends is really good for him.  And, we do have a church, and we go regularly and this is a wake up call to get out of hermit-mode (me not the kids) and do more with our church.  My little social butterfly can handle it, and clearly thrives in it, and so I am going to have to get it together.  And I have signed both kids up for Bible School at our church. It is the first time since we moved here--but I did it, and I did it before Thomas started going to Wednesday night church with Bryce (I am not sure why that matters).

 So, I shall sit back, breathe, and watch in wonder while my Thomas not only enjoys, but thrives, in group settings.  (And secretly wonder if he was switched at birth--how did we get such an outgoing kid in the midst of three shy violet hermit homebody's?!!)

 Thomas had a great time tonight. I dropped him off and stayed to see him meet up with his friends in their gym. And, when I picked him up I got to see their closing also in the gym. He was dancing and bopping around.

He told me he had lots of fun, and he had made a shield for craft, and mentioned going outside to play. Bryce's grandma had his class, and when I arrived in the evening, Bryce's grandpa was dressed a King on the stage.  Too cute.

I know he will be excited to return tomorrow. Here's hoping he gets good sleep this week. He has been out of sorts and it seems like he can't catch up on the hours he needs to function without all of us wanting to squish him!

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2 Responses to "Bible School With Bryce, Day 1"

  1. You have not over stayed your welcome at all. We LOVE having him and hope he continues to come on Wednesday nights when VBS is over!

  2. You are so right! You can't get too much church, and VBS is just too much fun. It looks like the same theme that we are doing next week, Kingdom Rock.


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