Bible School With Bryce Day 2

I get very little information from Thomas, and the late nights are starting to take their toll, but I wouldn't dream of not letting him go. He is having such a great time with his friends.  He may not tell me much, but again tonight I got there a little early and got to see the end program in the gym.  I love to see him bouncing and dancing and loving every minute,

The tone usually changes a few steps out of the church.  Poor exhausted buddy. By the time I get him home and in bed it is after 9, and last night after 9:30 (he goes to bed at 7:30!).  And, he won't sleep in much.  He has been going back to sleep in our bed in the mornings until almost 9--but that still is barely 12 hours, and it is broken sleep, and he is so far behind that even 9 isn't catching him up on rest.

Of course when you are 4, who needs rest?  You know, besides mama?!

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1 Response to "Bible School With Bryce Day 2"

  1. Bryce never sleeps in after late nights. Emmy on the other hand has been sleeping until 8:30! I'm so glad Thomas is enjoying VBS.


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