Church Bus

 You would have thought it was his birthday...or Christmas.  This child was beyond excited today when he arrived at Bryce's church and remembered that they were going to ride in the bus.

I was relieved when he finally forgot about it over the weekend. He had been talking non-stop about riding the church bus with Bryce. 

You couldn't help but smile as he jumped up and down and talked 4 decibels above the other children and lead everyone out of the church room tonight.  Ordinarily motherly discipline would have stepped in a little more, but I could only tell him to "calm down" so many times, and the both of us knew there wasn't much that would turn the volume down on his excitement.

His car seat was on the sidewalk and ready, and I am not sure he breathed that many times waiting to board the bus.

I was thankful that their trip to see a church shut-in would leave soon after arrival so I could stick around and take pictures. I just had to capture his first bus ride, and all the excitement that went with it.

When I picked him up this evening Gracie and I heard all about his adventure--at the top of his lungs and without a whole lot of breaks for a breath.

I rode church bus!

Bryce Grandpa drove the church bus!

We went to a house with a Grandma!

Can I ride one more time?!

How about two more?!

What a blessing it is to see that kind of pure joy from a child.

Of course now, he can't wait to ride again!

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1 Response to "Church Bus"

  1. totally adorable!! and what a fantastic idea... to take the little ones to visit shut-ins! love it!


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