Mommy's Train Ride

Let me tell you how my morning went today.

I drove the train. I went all over the place.  I only had one real passenger, but I got a pretend one as a bonus.

Can you picture me as a train engineer? Well, I did fabulous!

Thomas snuck some tickets that I scored at a thrift store from Gracie's room while she was sleeping and we had quite an adventure:

First stop: Ice Cream Store!  
My passenger was nice enough to bring me a chocolate sprinkled cone when he returned.

Second Stop: Walmart
We needed Cheese-Its

Third Stop: Bryce's House
 to pick him up, because he wanted to go too!

Fourth Stop: Auto Shop
 so both boys could ride the tow truck.

Stop #5: Grandpa's House
Unfortunately Grandpa was asleep so both boys boarded the bed train again.

Stop #6: Target
To buy little cars

Stop #7: School
(Because he is dying to go back to school!) But, he didn't give a verbal reason.

Last Stop: Grandma's House
I am guessing Grandma and Grandpa have different homes now, or he figured if Grandpa wouldn't wake up, he would play with Grandma.

The train has stopped its visits for the day: Gracie is up, and it is time to torture her instead.

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2 Responses to "Mommy's Train Ride"

  1. I hate that Gracie missed out on the excursion!! No fair! Wake her up next time!

  2. Grandma5:51 PM

    I glad you did OK as a conductor. (Grandpa and I loved the story)!


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