20 Awesome Things About Gracie

I don't get a great glimpse into what Gracie is doing in school aside from graded papers and tests and homework.  She doesn't share a lot of detail, but I know she likes school.  Long gone are the days when I posted the newest picture she drew or the letter she mastered, and thus my blog can at times seem empty of "Gracie." So, when I get something to share in the backpack, I get kind of excited.

Gracie told me she started SODA this week.  When I was a kid, we just had the DARE program in 5th grade, but I remember classmates in high school doing the SODA program with our local elementary schools, so it is kind of neat.

This hand print came home, and Gracie told me that each student in her class wrote something positive about each other girl on their hand print. I love it! I don't know if you remember being 9, but the ironic thing is that we heap praise all over our littlest ones, but the bigger ones sometimes need that encouragement and positive reinforcement more.

I love the words of kindness that Gracie's classmates and friends heaped on her, and I am blogging not only to show you, but to remind her when she needs it throughout the year.

1. Alwsome
2. Smart
3. Sweet
4. You are great!!
5. Smart
6. You are nice
7. Funny
8. Your so sweet! :)
9. Best friend ever
10. Yor nice    
11. Your great!
12. You are so kind!
13. Help Others alot
14. Very Smart
15. Great Smile!
16. You are so funny
17. Your good friend
18. It is so cool that you and your mom make aprons          
19. Smart
20. Awlsome   

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1 Response to "20 Awesome Things About Gracie"

  1. I love this! I agree that all children no matter the age, need positive comments. Gracie, you truly display each of these qualities that your friends see in you! We love you!


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