Best Snow Buddies

Our two preschool boys had another awesome snow day--this time they went sledding together.

Since school was out (again) today, and the kids had so much fun last week sledding at the hill behind Bryce's house, we made plans with Grace and her kids and met up for sledding on the fresh snow.

Watching those boys take turns going down that hill was a treat.  Of course I was perfectly happy to hang at the bottom of the hill and hold Emmy and take pictures. You know me--Snow Grinch all the way.  But, I smiled (a lot) this morning, it was neat to hear the boys giggling so hard, and to watch my cautious nine year old finally get brave and sled down the big slope.

Now at the Whitlock house, bouncing on a snow covered trampoline is a tradition for snow days, and my kids hadn't had a chance to experience this little snow day activity, so while I cleaned up sleds and strewn articles of winter clothing at the school the kids jumped and jumped.

By the time I arrived at Grace's (this body is not fit for jumping fences of any height so I rode in the car around the block to her driveway), my kids were wet, cold and ready to come inside.

I was smart and packed them a change of clothes, and I packed enough hot chocolate for everyone.

The kids had a great time warming up with hot chocolate, popcorn, and generally running around the house and playing.

Another awesome day with 3/4 of the Whitlock family--we are truly blessed to have gotten to know them.  Now, we just have to stretch out how long it takes for them to get tired of us! :)

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