Uncle Brian Visits

Mommy (I deserve to be at the top of the list)
Best friend Bryce
Uncle Brian
While, he is a sweet, sweet boy and loves so much to so many, there are people who are farther up the "love" ladder, and Uncle Brian is one of them.
Brian has a meeting early tomorrow morning in Richmond, and rather than drive at the crack of dawn from Davnille, he came and stayed the night with us, much to Thomas' great joy.
Now, Gracie loves Uncle Brian too, but Thomas has a special place for his favorite uncle. Those two were super cute tonight before bed time. Having 7 kids and 3 grandkids of his own (3 of whom still live at home) you would think Brian would be less than thrilled to share his time with an almost Kindergartener. But, nope. He played and played with his "buddy" until bed time.
And, since this visit is SUPER short, I am relieved that we will visit Uncle Brian (and Aunt Dawn and the cousins) at his house in a few short days.
***Thomas spent Tuesday morning outside dressed and waiting on the front porch for Uncle Brian to come back. It took a long while to convince him to come back in because he would be gone in his meeting all day**
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