Earrings Out...And Back In...And Back Out...And Back In
Oh yeah, we love girl drama in our house!
So, you may remember that in October daddy let Gracie get her ears pierced. I took her while we were on a visit at Grandma's house in Lynchburg, and Grandma went too.
Fast forward 7 weeks later. She only had to have them in for 6, but she wanted Mamaw to see her change out of her studs and into her new Frozen earrings Grandma bought.
So, I helped her get the backs off the star shaped studs. It was apparently a little painful, and I figure it was because it was new, and I had to pull pretty hard to loosen the studs (they have more rigid back enclosures). After a few winces, and much frustration and mommy eventually having to do it--the Frozen Elsa earrings are in. There was a drop of blood and wincing and near tears, but they were in. So, we go about our business. She is happy, we are proud.
At the end of the day I insist she takes the Frozen ones out. It is uncomfortable to wear earrings to bed I tell her. So, again, frustration, and wincing and another drop of blood. By now I have again had to take the earrings out and she is in tears and swearing she will never wear anything in her ears again.
Parent mode kicks in. I send her to bed and tell her we will take a day off from the earrings. I did research and it doesn't seem that a drop of blood means infection, but a little Neosporin couldn't hurt.
Now it is Monday morning and she is wanting to show off her new earrings to her school friends. I am fixing lunches and backpacks and she is once again frustrated and telling me she can't get the earrings in. Mommy to the rescue (she can't see me roll my eyes, I am such a stealthy super-hero). I look and look--and the hole is gone from both ears. I am serious people, the holes were filled in with fresh skin!! Daddy comes in the bathroom mid cry/scream fest and sees that in fact the holes are gone.
We calm her down enough to get her on the school bus.
I do more research. So 1) the worst thing to do is use Neosporin (note to self!) as it promotes healing of the skin 2) drops of blood mean that the hole is not ready 3) it can take some people up to 3 months for their piecing holes to be "ready" especially quick healers (which Gracie is!)
So, plan C is to return to Claire's and go through this all over again, and this time she will have to wait 2-3 months for it to be ready.
Plan B is for me to calmly try again after school to get the earrings through.
So this story has a happy ending, and I totally nearly fainted. Not kidding. I got one earring in after careful work with tweezers and the thinnest earring post I could find and I had to stop and lay down before starting work on the other one.
But, after a half hour of careful work and patience we had success.
Now, she can wear fun earrings during the day, but until we are super confident those studs go back in at night!!!
And, yes, I am still putting in and taking out, she hasn't quite gotten the hang of earrings yet.
So, you may remember that in October daddy let Gracie get her ears pierced. I took her while we were on a visit at Grandma's house in Lynchburg, and Grandma went too.

So, I helped her get the backs off the star shaped studs. It was apparently a little painful, and I figure it was because it was new, and I had to pull pretty hard to loosen the studs (they have more rigid back enclosures). After a few winces, and much frustration and mommy eventually having to do it--the Frozen Elsa earrings are in. There was a drop of blood and wincing and near tears, but they were in. So, we go about our business. She is happy, we are proud.
At the end of the day I insist she takes the Frozen ones out. It is uncomfortable to wear earrings to bed I tell her. So, again, frustration, and wincing and another drop of blood. By now I have again had to take the earrings out and she is in tears and swearing she will never wear anything in her ears again.
Parent mode kicks in. I send her to bed and tell her we will take a day off from the earrings. I did research and it doesn't seem that a drop of blood means infection, but a little Neosporin couldn't hurt.
Now it is Monday morning and she is wanting to show off her new earrings to her school friends. I am fixing lunches and backpacks and she is once again frustrated and telling me she can't get the earrings in. Mommy to the rescue (she can't see me roll my eyes, I am such a stealthy super-hero). I look and look--and the hole is gone from both ears. I am serious people, the holes were filled in with fresh skin!! Daddy comes in the bathroom mid cry/scream fest and sees that in fact the holes are gone.
We calm her down enough to get her on the school bus.
I do more research. So 1) the worst thing to do is use Neosporin (note to self!) as it promotes healing of the skin 2) drops of blood mean that the hole is not ready 3) it can take some people up to 3 months for their piecing holes to be "ready" especially quick healers (which Gracie is!)
So, plan C is to return to Claire's and go through this all over again, and this time she will have to wait 2-3 months for it to be ready.
Plan B is for me to calmly try again after school to get the earrings through.
So this story has a happy ending, and I totally nearly fainted. Not kidding. I got one earring in after careful work with tweezers and the thinnest earring post I could find and I had to stop and lay down before starting work on the other one.
But, after a half hour of careful work and patience we had success.
Now, she can wear fun earrings during the day, but until we are super confident those studs go back in at night!!!
And, yes, I am still putting in and taking out, she hasn't quite gotten the hang of earrings yet.
Oh my! I'm not squeamish at all, but I don't think I'd want to do this. Thank you for sharing as I have NEVER had my ears pierced, and you have helped me realize that I never should. I hope J doesn't either.