Around the beginning of the New Year, we were talking to Gracie about getting her back in the gym and getting her active again, and of course Thomas wanted to know what was in it for him.
I remembered a few months back (wow it was actually 2013!!) that we went on an evening and he snuck into a Karate class for ages 5+. Well, he wasn't five, hence the sneaking.
Well, he couldn't stop talking about it. He loved it! And, now that he is 5, we said that maybe we could make sure he got to the gym on Karate nights.
Of course, there was no "maybe" about it. Karate was put on the calendar and he has been counting down the days.
My pain level was high this evening, so I couldn't go with the family, and even though I asked daddy to snap a picture, he wasn't comfortable doing that in the gym--so, I had to settle for some pics in the bedroom of a demonstration of what he learned.
Boy was he fired up!
Now, if he truly gets interested in karate we will look in to a more structured class/group, but really, we pay handsomely for American Family Fitness and he can get a free lesson each week. They don't do belts and white robes and such, but he can learn some basics. And, it is active and great exercise for his body and his low attention span.
I should be well by next week, and I have to qualms about sneaking a picture, so I'll share better ones then.
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