Tattle Tale

"Momma, Emma is chewing on my block!" "Momma, Emma is crawling!" "Momma, Emma has my Little People!"

Emma always seems to be doing something wrong in Gracie's eyes these days, and she is sure to tell me every second.

I have a new-found respect for mothers of two or more children (not that I didn't respect you before!). How do you not pull your hair out when one of them becomes a "tattle tale?!"

Don't get me wrong, Gracie still adores Emma, but for the past two days I guess there hasn't been enough personal space for the two of them.

What makes it even more frustrating is, I am right there watching Emma every minute. Nothing Gracie has brought to my attention is news, nor is it bad. I find myself trying to gather my patience and tell Gracie that Emma is allowed to chew on that because it is safe, or Emma just wants to crawl and see you because she likes you. I am starting to feel like a referee.

I have a feeling that Gracie is just needing some more positive reinforcement from me, and I need to make even more opportunities for Gracie and mommy play time. Plus, this week has been a little longer as we have had Emma longer in the afternoon's, Gracie hasn't taken a nap all week, and it has been too cold to get outside and get out of these four walls.

I think I am handing things okay, despite my little news reporter, but this weekend will do us some good--just the 3 of us. In the meantime I am sure my mother is chuckling remembering all of those long car rides to Grandma's house with Brian and I yelling "mom, he hit me!" "Mom, she is looking at me!"

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