Leaf Hunt

Gracie and I braved the high winds this morning and went on a leaf hunt before the rain could come and make fall all soggy. We are in store for several days of rain, so I decided we were going to get out in this perfect season for as long as possible.

Equipped with a ziplock baggie we went in search of different kids and colors of leaves. By the time our 40 minute walk through town was finished we had a baggie full of leaves, acorns, and even a rogue bird feather.

We dumped out our finds and started in on a few leaf projects I found.

First we made leaf rubbing's. This was very fun and Gracie loved this activity because she could do it all by herself.

Next we pressed the leaves in to play dough. This idea I found on Fisher Price's website. It is supposed to leave an impression...and technically it did, you just couldn't see it very well. My idea was to make the impressions, let them dry and then go back and paint, but as I said you could barely see them and I tried several ways to get it to work. Maybe my play dough is too old?

Gracie wasn't too disappointed, because fall fun then became play dough fun. And, I have found a few more fall craft ideas and mini activities online since then. Isn't the computer a wonderful thing?! I have been thinking about starting my own website full of all of the ideas I think up and find for kids and parents to do together.

We hope that all of you are enjoying the fall because we are! We carve pumpkins Saturday after a chili lunch with our neighbors. No, we are not that excited for Halloween, but Garren has a feature story due, and he is using my idea of the tools involved in pumpkin decorating (we got a Drimmel too just for pumpkins!!!), so we have to do ours early before his deadline. I hope they last!!!

1 Response to "Leaf Hunt"

  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    They won't last Barbara...they will stink! Bad! haha


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