House Dreamin'

Garren and I have been married for 14 years...and now we are finally in the process of buying our first home.

While the decision making process to even start trying (again anyway, we tried and gave up quickly a year ago) was a long time coming--the process for getting a house is moving pretty quickly!


Loan application filled out.  We found out that we qualify for a USDA loan which is 100% financed (yea!), but will only include homes in areas outlined as "rural" (okay), which will force our kids out of the schools they are currently in (boo!!!!!).


We saw the house we really wanted, and two others.  It didn't take long to not only decide the house we saw first was what we wanted, but that was ultimately the house we wanted in general.


We ask dad to come and take a look. While we like the home, it needs a lot of work. And while we (and by "we" I mean me!) welcome the opportunity and challenge of a lot of DIY, we were concerned enough about possible structural issues.  (Yes, an inspection would have found this out for us, but we would have had to put in a bid and that bid would have had to have been accepted and we would have to pay for the inspection.--Grandpa is an expert and works for grand baby hugs!)

Grandpa finds the house structurally sound, and agrees that there is a lot to be fixed, but it can be done by us and without a great deal of expense over time.

I can't tell you how grateful we are that mom and dad gave up their Sunday and traveled 5 hours round trip to help us with this overwhelming decision!


We got the call--we are approved!!


We call our realtor and tell him we are ready to make an offer.  We went tonight to his office and signed the papers for our first bid on a home. To say it was overwhelming and terrifying and exciting all at once is an understatement.

The people who own the home (and do not currently live in it) have until Thursday night to accept or counter our offer.  Wish us luck.  No, pray.  We are praying people.

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