He's Mobile!

Well, it's not that dramatic, and he isn't technically crawling--but he can get to anywhere, and any THING he wants.
He doesn't use his hands, but scoots along with his legs and belly. It's kind of like a seal getting around out of water. But, don't turn your back because he is quicker than you think.
I fear that since he can get around with out much trouble this will delay him using his hands and actually crawling, but I am sure he will figure it out eventually.
I looked back and Gracie crawled when she was 7 months and 5 days. He is a few days shy of 7 months, so they seem to be about the same in this milestone.
What is it with my kids and them growing up so fast!!! This kiddo better slow down, I can't handle another Kindergartner yet.
Ha ha! This mobile Thomas will keep you so busy and help keep your mind off of worrying about Gracie all day.