Whither Ernesto?


Here at la fortaleza norteña de Shipley, we're preparing for a visitor from the Carolinas, namely Tropical Storm Ernesto.

The current forecast calls for rain totals that would make for a pretty good snowstorm in Tennessee. See the map on the right? Look where the black track line crosses from Virginia into West Virginia and Maryland.

Follow it back into Virginia just a touch. That's where we live. But the purpose of this post is not to scare anyone, rather to let y'all know we've done this before, and it's not a big deal, despite what you see on CNN.

Living in this part of the world means you have to deal with tropical stuff. That's one reason we live on the third floor of our buliding. And if we get flooded out of the third floor, well, there wasn't much hope for anyone. Plus, we've got underground utilities, which have gone out exactly once since we've lived here, for about an hour.

We've done this before, and we'll do it again. I'll post a storm report once things are over, but if it's anything like Isabell, it's just lots of warm rain with a weird, hot wind. But we're stocking up on towels, just in case.


The track has moved. Not sure what this means, but there's no longer a big black line over the house.

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1 Response to "Whither Ernesto?"

  1. Anonymous6:33 PM

    We've had five inches of rain in
    G-Vegas today! I drove my go-cart of a car through what seemed to be a river on the St.James Rd. and on the Newport Hwy! 90% rain forecast for tomorrow!


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