Happy New Year
We wish you and yours a very Happy New Year and blessed 2015. It was an emotional year for us (okay, for me mostly), but it was a good one. I was going to make out a list of the best of 2014 for us Shipley's, but I am glad I didn't, because as the kids were filling out their fun New Year's Eve questionnaires I was loving what they thought was the best of the year.
"Going to the American Girl store." Yep, that was clearly an amazing thing that happened for her.
She also adds 5th grade chorus, learning to swim (all the way & scuba diving) and recorder to her list of awesome 2014 events.

"Picking up branches." Daddy had to explain that one to me, apparently he picked this as his hardest part of our year. Daddy had he and Gracie cleaning up the yard of debris after several summer storms.
"Spending time with Mrs. Naff." Clearly he is loving Kindergarten!
He also mentioned his epic birthday party at Jumpology that he and Bryce shared in February.
Football season. Daddy doesn't usually get to watch the games thanks to work, but he was blessed with that change this year.
Busch Gardens this summer (was awesome!)
Kids are "team players" this year. Gracie and Thomas are finally getting to understand what it means to work as a family and as a team. "It has been a treasure to watch that this year."
Working with the "teams" this year at work. Such good people to work with this campaign cycle.
Instead of listing my favorite "parts" of 2014, I decided to focus on my favorite "people" of the year. You can click here, or scroll down to read my blog post about my very blessed (and tear filled) year.
Happy New Year, Shipleys!! I hope it's a wonderful year with a new house and hopefully the "right" schools...he he!!