First Grade Update
(email to family & friends):

Well, we made it.
Well, I made it any way. She had far more courage on her first day of school than mommy did.
Gracie rides the bus again this year, only this time her stop has 5 kids instead of 40! She is the last to get on in the mornings, and the last off in the afternoons, but she is really enjoying the shortened bus trip. In Strasburg she wasn't at the bus stop until 3:34, here, she is off by 2:40. School does start 15 minutes earlier here, but we really haven't noticed too much of a difference, or had to rush in the mornings--so far :) Oh, and I can see the bus stop from our front porch. I have walked her to the stop in the mornings and meet her there in the afternoons this past week, but she tells me next week I can just wait on the porch and watch her walk up like a big girl.
Gracie's new teacher is Miss. Anderson, and she now attends Mechanicsville Elementary.
Her teacher is very nice, and I feel so blessed to have have been able to leave my Gracie in the hands of amazing teachers since she started in preschool! Amen!
Behavior is a big deal at this school--which I like. Each day the kids are given a number from 1-5 based on the days behavior, 5 being the best. Gracie (of course) has come home with all 5's. {For all of you making those raised eyebrows no, I have no idea what I am going to do when Thomas is in school. My Gracie has NEVER once gotten in trouble or had a bad note in school. In preschool she never got her name written on the board, and in kindergarten she didn't once move her clothespin. I have a feeling things are going to be different with Thomas, and I hope by then I will have learned how to deal with it without scaring him for life!} So, back to the 5's. Each day a parent must sign the child's number. What worries me is when Gracie tells me how many people have had to move their "fish" and get 4's and 3's and even a 2. Seriously?! The first week of school?!
Also this week Gracie has been to art and library. They have had a fire drill, and talked about rules and behavior. Unlike Kindergarten (so far) she has brought home very few papers so I don't have much but her description to let me know what she is doing during the day. Also unlike Kindergarten, folders come home once a week. They will have messages from the teacher and info on what is coming up. We did get one on the first day of school--but it wasn't a huge amount of info. I am sure this will increase. She also told me Friday they were given a spelling test and she got a pink pencil as a reward. Apparently they were testing to see how far along the kids were--which is good, but I was very disappointed we were not told about this ahead of time. I would have liked to review with her.
Gracie has learned 3-4 people in her class, and I am very glad. She seems to talk about the little girl she met at Open House the most. She is disappointed that there aren't centers like at Kindergarten, and she thinks the day is longer. I am guessing there is a LOT less free time and far more instructional time. But, she gets her own desk, which she is over the moon about!
So, things seem to be going well for our first grader in her new school, and with her new teacher, and on her new bus, and with all of the many, many new kids. I am so glad that God made kids have the ability to adjust so well.
I can't thank those of you enough for the prayers for my little girl as she goes through such a big change, and such a big step in her life. I thank you all for the prayers for the mommy too!
If you want to see/read more about Gracie's school adventures you can on the blog, I have entries for:
Ice Cream Social (pre-school)
Open House (pre-school)
Night Before First Grade
First Day (morning)
First Day (afternoon)
First Day (afternoon, part 2)
and of course I will continue to update the blog on the many exciting and fun things she will do in the coming weeks and months.
We hope all of your kids are having great first weeks, or first month at school and that this year brings good things for them as well.
Much Love!
Barbara, Garren, Gracie & Thomas too
****If for some reason you have not received or can not find our new address & phone number, please feel free to email me and I will be sure you get it (again). Also, update your email lists with this email address. Our Shentel one will be obsolete soon. ***

Well, I made it any way. She had far more courage on her first day of school than mommy did.
Gracie rides the bus again this year, only this time her stop has 5 kids instead of 40! She is the last to get on in the mornings, and the last off in the afternoons, but she is really enjoying the shortened bus trip. In Strasburg she wasn't at the bus stop until 3:34, here, she is off by 2:40. School does start 15 minutes earlier here, but we really haven't noticed too much of a difference, or had to rush in the mornings--so far :) Oh, and I can see the bus stop from our front porch. I have walked her to the stop in the mornings and meet her there in the afternoons this past week, but she tells me next week I can just wait on the porch and watch her walk up like a big girl.
Gracie's new teacher is Miss. Anderson, and she now attends Mechanicsville Elementary.
Her teacher is very nice, and I feel so blessed to have have been able to leave my Gracie in the hands of amazing teachers since she started in preschool! Amen!
Behavior is a big deal at this school--which I like. Each day the kids are given a number from 1-5 based on the days behavior, 5 being the best. Gracie (of course) has come home with all 5's. {For all of you making those raised eyebrows no, I have no idea what I am going to do when Thomas is in school. My Gracie has NEVER once gotten in trouble or had a bad note in school. In preschool she never got her name written on the board, and in kindergarten she didn't once move her clothespin. I have a feeling things are going to be different with Thomas, and I hope by then I will have learned how to deal with it without scaring him for life!} So, back to the 5's. Each day a parent must sign the child's number. What worries me is when Gracie tells me how many people have had to move their "fish" and get 4's and 3's and even a 2. Seriously?! The first week of school?!
Also this week Gracie has been to art and library. They have had a fire drill, and talked about rules and behavior. Unlike Kindergarten (so far) she has brought home very few papers so I don't have much but her description to let me know what she is doing during the day. Also unlike Kindergarten, folders come home once a week. They will have messages from the teacher and info on what is coming up. We did get one on the first day of school--but it wasn't a huge amount of info. I am sure this will increase. She also told me Friday they were given a spelling test and she got a pink pencil as a reward. Apparently they were testing to see how far along the kids were--which is good, but I was very disappointed we were not told about this ahead of time. I would have liked to review with her.
Gracie has learned 3-4 people in her class, and I am very glad. She seems to talk about the little girl she met at Open House the most. She is disappointed that there aren't centers like at Kindergarten, and she thinks the day is longer. I am guessing there is a LOT less free time and far more instructional time. But, she gets her own desk, which she is over the moon about!
So, things seem to be going well for our first grader in her new school, and with her new teacher, and on her new bus, and with all of the many, many new kids. I am so glad that God made kids have the ability to adjust so well.
I can't thank those of you enough for the prayers for my little girl as she goes through such a big change, and such a big step in her life. I thank you all for the prayers for the mommy too!
If you want to see/read more about Gracie's school adventures you can on the blog, I have entries for:
Ice Cream Social (pre-school)
Open House (pre-school)
Night Before First Grade
First Day (morning)
First Day (afternoon)
First Day (afternoon, part 2)
and of course I will continue to update the blog on the many exciting and fun things she will do in the coming weeks and months.
We hope all of your kids are having great first weeks, or first month at school and that this year brings good things for them as well.
Much Love!
Barbara, Garren, Gracie & Thomas too
****If for some reason you have not received or can not find our new address & phone number, please feel free to email me and I will be sure you get it (again). Also, update your email lists with this email address. Our Shentel one will be obsolete soon. ***
Dear Gracie,
ReplyDeletewe are so excited for you! Such a big 1st grader now! We are proud that you keep getting 5's in behavior. I hope Luke can be as well behaved as you.
Have a good week!
The McCarthys