Home Again

It had been six weeks, and mentally--well emotionally--I have been improving.
What choice do I have? I can't sit around here and moap, I have three people who need me. I can't cry and beg Garren to take us back because I am too homesick--that would be selfish. So, I have done what I can to try and move forward.
But today, I needed a little taste of what I miss so much.
So, I loaded the kids in the car at 7:45 am this morning, and we pulled out of the driveway by 8am.
I didn't really have much of a "plan," but I was armed with the DVD players for the kids, hand written directions, and various snacks for my bottomless pits.
I also had their church clothes and a change of play clothes in a bag, along with favorite stuffies and blankets.
The kids thought it was fun to sit in the back and watch cartoons and eat (make a mess).
A little over 2 hours later we crossed the Shenandoah County line, followed shortly by the most welcoming words I know "Welcome To Strasburg."
I nearly teared up, but I held it together--I only had 20 minutes left! I glanced back at Gracie and told her "I know you don't miss this place as much as I do--but it sure feels good to be back home." She looked up from her video and with the most serious of faces she replied "it sure does feel good to be home mommy."
A minute later I had pulled into Garren's old newspaper's side street (which is covered by trees and a building) and I was helping the kids into their church clothes. No one could see us, but if they could they would have been laughing so hard at the items flying from everywhere.

I can not tell you how wonderful all the smiles and gasps were as we walked to our familiar pew. We left behind the most warm and wonderful people and I told Garren later that I think I just needed to see how much we were missed. That's not why I went back--but that is what has helped me more than anything since we returned to Mechanicsville.
I wasn't sure how many minutes we had before the great organ would begin, so I put the kids in the pew and chatted with people and gave hugs.
That's when Thomas did his usual Sunday morning church ritual. He left the pew and headed up the choir loft stairs and to the switch that controls the fan.
He knew exactly where he was!
I went and got him and let him flip the switch on. I heard a few people laughing at the familiar sight and I carried him back.
That's when George spotted us.
Keep in mind I hadn't told any one we were coming. I didn't even tell the kids I was thinking about it since we may not be able to get everything together to go.
I had been worried that Thomas would get all clingy since he hadn't seen his favorite people in 6 weeks. But, as you can imagine I had nothing to worry about. He spotted his Uncle George and thew himself out of my arms and in to his.
George gave me a look and asked if I had seen Ruth yet. I told him I wasn't sure how much time was left, but I knew I didn't want to scare her when she walked in to the piano after the service started.
Gracie and I got sidetracked when Ms. Karen spotted us, but I was still able to hear the squeal/scream that came from the back of the sanctuary.
Apparently everyone else was waiting and watching for it too.
Gracie and I went to the back to find Thomas in Ruth's arms, and her completely overwhelmed. I have had a lot of great moments with Ruth, and I have been around her for quite some time, but she isn't an emotional lady...at least not around me, so it was so heart warming to see her reaction to the three of us standing just steps away from her.
She had to reluctantly hand Thomas back because the service was starting, but she was sure to snatch him back during the first hymn. And she got Gracie later too.
Thomas was his typical self for the service as well. He was so well behaved until the "quiet parts." But, he was somewhat easy to redirect and keep occupied.
We gave and received even more hugs and kisses following the service. No one lamented on our being gone, but instead asked how we were settling and how Gracie's school was going. But we got tons of "we miss you's" though, and it was really nice to hear.
Now, as I said, I didn't actually have a plan. I figured we would go to church, get some lunch and maybe go apple picking at the orchard.
I think Aunt Ruth & Uncle George were glad we didn't have a plan either, because they insisted we go to a picnic lunch with them at the park for George's family reunion.
The kids had a wonderful time playing, and eating, and playing some more.

I could bore you all to tears over every detail, but I won't. Needless to say it was 4:00 before I realized it.
No one wanted to go home, and usually I would say something pithy about the adults being ready for my kids to go home--but I am not sure that would be the case this time.
Now, to all of you we didn't see this Sunday, please don't feel left out. I didn't have a plan, and I didn't let anyone know we were coming. It was a completely last minute thing, and I didn't take time to set up visits with any one else. Of course, I hadn't planned on Ruth & George being able to get to see the kids as long as they did either--because they are usually busy folks.
I promise this is not the last time we come to visit. We will be back, and we hope you all still will miss us as much then as you made us feel missed this time.
Garren was afraid I would feel worse when I returned to this house after being in Strasburg. But, I don't feel worse. I guess I feel "refreshed." I needed to go back and see that it is not that far, and remember why I loved that place so much, and to see all the people that I missed again.
Home is where my family is, and Strasburg has a great deal of my family there, so it will always be "home" to me. And, of course here is going to have to become "home" as well--because that is where the biggest parts of my heart reside....Garren and Gracie and Thomas too.
I will find a balance. And in the meantime, I am breathing a whole lot easier each day.
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